Arcanite Pictures

My current body of work emerged from my frustration with feeling stuck in one place. When I began making this work, the pandemic had just begun, and my plans for leaving the town I’ve called home for twelve years were derailed. Not having the resources to make the cross-country photo-trips I’d dreamt of, I learned to make the most of what was in front of me. These images came as a means to speak to the things of life that resist definition. The resulting series is a meditation on place, but not any particular place.

What does it mean to be from somewhere, and to remain there while seemingly everything and everyone else moves on?

I have found that the camera is a device uniquely suited for investigating these kinds of questions. A photograph can convey something words utterly fail to. Ultimately, I photograph to hold on to what in life feels ephemeral and fleeting.

Landon Edwards


Using Format